Australia joins the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules Forum

  • Joint media release with:

The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Attorney-General, Cabinet Secretary

Australia has joined the Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules (Global CBPR) Forum, a multilateral initiative which aims to better facilitate the flow of data across borders.

The Global CBPR Forum will establish a certification system to help companies demonstrate compliance with internationally recognised data privacy standards.

Keeping businesses trading and the global economy open are crucial for Australia’s prosperity.

The Albanese Government encourages interoperability and cooperation between economies to help bridge differences in data protection and privacy frameworks. We support the development of an open and reliable digital trade environment, that strengthens consumer and business trust in digital transactions, and promotes global trade by facilitating the secure flow of data.

The Global CBPR Forum builds on the APEC CBPR formed in 2011 and is open to participation by non-APEC members.

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