Speech at Las Vegas memorial

  • Speech
Las Vegas

ToMayor Goodman, Mayor Pro Tem, the local councillor ...To Toby, Andrew, Mike,and Phil, that was a beautiful rendition of the U.S. anthem. Thank you so much.Mayor Goodman, it's in such sad times that we come together. I wanted to takethis opportunity while I was in Las Vegas to send a very strong and clearmessage - that message that Australia stands with you.

I look out. I see people wearingVegas Strong shirts and I know that's been the rallying call for many in theVegas community and the families and loved ones of the 58 victims who arerepresented in these memorial gardens with these living memorials, the treesthat snake their way around this park.

Australiaand the United States share such a rich history. In many respects having HumanNature here is the embodiment of the linkages between our people becauseAustralians that now call the U.S. home. I think with only one or twoexceptions all your children being born here in the United States. I myself ...My wife is American and you cannot help but feel a deep affection for the U.S.And really, for me as Australia's Trade, Tourism, and Investment Minister, butmore importantly as a representative of the Australian people, I just want youto know that we feel the pain that you feel.

Westand alongside you; that we know that this is something that will take monthsand years of grieving, but you will emerge stronger and more resilient off theback of it. You know as two peoples around the world, Australians andAmericans, have always, always been able to remain resilient in the face ofadversity. Whether that adversity is external or internal, one thing that bindsus as people is our belief that we will not yield to those who seek to do usharm.

We willset an example. We will raise the bar. We will go forward with conviction inour hearts and love in our souls to make sure that we display to the world ourconcrete belief that we will not yield.

So tothe first responders that are here that represent those who reacted in the faceof fear - thank you for your incredible service. We always reflect on the factthat while others are running away, going for cover, it is the first respondersthat are running in the other direction into the face of fear. We do sincerelythank you for that.

Can Ijust conclude with these remarks, I just want to take this opportunity as Isaid to stress that Australia stands united with you. We're the shoulder thatyou can lean on. We're the people that will be with you through this journey.We'll do whatever we can to make sure that as two countries and as two peoplewe're strongly united. Thank you.

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