Wong is wrong
In absence of a trade agenda, Labor has resorted to completely making it up. Let me be perfectly clear - Australia will not move one iota on biologics when it comes to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
The Turnbull Government has made it very clear that we are never going to jeopardise Australia's national interest when it comes to affordable medicines.
Throughout the TPP negotiations the Coalition made it clear that we would not accept an outcome that would adversely impact the PBS or increase the price of medicines for Australians.
With the TPP negotiations now concluded, we maintain this commitment and will not be renegotiating. My comments yesterday made it clear the need to advocate the strength of our system to the United States.
Only the Turnbull Government can be trusted to make medicines more affordable for Australians.
We have already delivered important reforms that are seeing patients save as much as $20 per script for common everyday medicines, with further price reductions of up to 50 per cent or more to follow in October this year.
We have also delivered nearly 1000 new and amended listings to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme since coming to office – triple Labor's efforts in office.
This is because we are ensuring taxpayers are also paying fairer prices for expensive on-patent drugs that ensure we can list new and innovative break through medicines without fear or favour.
Let's not forget it was Labor who tried to overrule the independent expert Pharmaceutical Benefit Advisory Committee by refusing to subsidise these new types of drugs for patients.
When Labor was in Government they played politics on medicines and put lives at risk.