Visit to the United States
This week I will visit the UnitedStates to advance trade, tourism and investment opportunities for Australia.
In New York Iwill deliver the annual G'Day USA Economic Outlook Address, highlighting to USbusinesses and policymakers Australia's standing as a high-quality investmentdestination.
With theAmerican Australian Association, I will also co-chair the inaugural G'Day USACEO Trade Policy Roundtable.
While in NewYork I will attend ANZAC Day events to remember our fallen servicemen andwomen. In July this year, Australia and the United States will mark the 100thanniversary of the Battle of Hamel in France, where American and Australiantroops first fought side by side.
In Los AngelesI will attend the annual Milken Global Conference to promote Australia as atrade and investment partner.
Between 2005and 2016, two-way investment between Australia and the United States grew bymore than 130 per cent to A$1.5 trillion. The total stock of US investment inAustralia was A$861 billion at the end of 2016, making the United StatesAustralia's largest foreign investor by far.
Our $1.5 trillion investmentrelationship is the largest Australia has with any country and supports around472,000 jobs in both countries.