55th Australian Export Awards

  • Media release

The success of Australia's exporters will be celebrated throughthe 55th Australian Export Awards program, which opens today.

The awards highlight the international business success ofAustralian companies based on export growth, marketing and financialstrategies. I encourage exporters from all states and territories to enter.

Australia's exporters generate far-reaching benefits for theAustralian economy. The 81 national finalists in the 2016 Australian ExportAwards generated more than $12.3 billion in export sales in 2015–16 andemployed more than 34,500 people.

Applicants are first judged in their relevant state or territory'sexport awards program, with the winners progressing to become nationalfinalists in the Australian Export Awards.

Applications are accepted in 12 national export award categories,which demonstrate the diversity of Australia's export sector, including DigitalTechnologies, e-Commerce, Health and Biotechnology, Regional Exporter and SmallBusiness.

Last year's national winners included a naval architectural firm,and producers of medical simulation technology, soil moisture control systemsand modular mineral-processing plants. Envato, an online marketplace fordigital content, was named the 2016 Australian Exporter of the Year.

The Awards also recognise an outstanding international companythat has made a long-term contribution to the Australian economy, for theMinister for Trade, Tourism and Investment's Investment Award. The 2016 winnerwas Boeing Australia, which has been in Australia for almost 90 years and hasinvested more than $1 billion in its Australian operations over that time.Boeing now employs more than 3,000 people in 27 locations around Australia, andis a strong supporter of Australian suppliers looking to expand into globalsupply chains.

The 55th Australian Export Awards program is co-presented byAustrade and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI). Visit www.exportawards.gov.au for more information and to vieweach state and territories' program opening and closing dates.

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